A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

X Profile: NineCruxGD


Teachers Pet: The Class Next Door (TP: TCND) is transitioning into The Class Next Door: EX (TCND: EX)

Since day one, I have been saying that " Eventually, I will be changing the game mechanics to make it a free-roam experience with repeatable events."

"Eventually" has arrived; TCND: EX is the sandbox version of my game.

It is not a new game with the same characters; you can consider it a new season with many game-play changes.

Other works:





Void Divers: Vortex




The story:

TCND: EX takes off after the events in TP: TCND

The MC is summoned back to where the story started; he learns that he has been there before, but things didn't go well, and he has been brought back to try again.

But there is a catch; the MC doesn't remember most of what happened during TP: TCND.

He only knows that something is wrong with his ex-wife.

The MC cannot remember what happened or the people he met during his first try, but now he can jump between parallel timelines. He can remember what happens in each of the new timelines, but his feelings and mindset change every time he jumps.

He turns into the version of himself living the given timeline.

The game-play:

In TCND: EX players can follow multiple routes in a single game-play.

Business days start with going to work; the MC is a college teacher, there will be events playing during classes, recess, lunch-time, and after classes.

There are places you can visit to advance time; there will be events in other locations, the day ends with going to bed or switching routes.

Weekends have different dynamics; there are events only available during the weekends.

The active route dictates which events are available; route-specific events will only occur if players follow the given girl's route.

I should mention that TCND: EX has all the lewd content available in TP: TCND; you can find the fully unlocked gallery in "The Cloister of Dreams" (just look for the door with the bottle icon on top.)



The attached "Nisha's report" file is this game's walkthrough! Make sure to download it so you know exactly what to do. 


You can also use the provided gamesaves to start or continue the story from any point you want; just download and extract in TCND: EX's  'game' folder!

TCND: EX changelog:

December 2 2022

TCND: EX episode 11; version 0.12.1 change-log:

-Story progress with Amy.

-New lewd dream featuring Amy.

-Story progress with Tiffany.

-New lewd dream featuring Tiffany.

-New profile outfits for Amy, Daria, Emily, Evans, Marjory, Melanie, and Tiffany.

-Extended Tiffany's shower event.

Episode eleven starts on Tuesday; right after episode ten.
Episode eleven covers up to Wednesday; the girls are getting ready for the weekend.

On Saturday, there will be a major event... a housewarming party.

November 2 2022

TCND: EX Episode 10; version 0.11.1 change-log:

-Story progress with Alice.

-Lewd dream featuring Alice.

-Story progress with Daria.

-Story progress with Emily.

-Story progress with Marjory.

-Story progress with Tiffany.

-Spicy situations involving Daria, Emily, Marjory, and Tiffany.

-Lewd scene featuring Daria.

-Lewd scene featuring Marjory.

-Extended Melanie's repeatable event.

-Extended Joan's repeatable event.

-Extended Tiffany's repeatable event.

-Abstract/cryptic dream featuring Eleonor.

-Typos corrections.

-Grammar corrections.

-Enabled rollback, and forward, for the current event only.

-Buffed update featuring 100+ more renders than usual.

October 2 2022

TCND: EX episode 9; version 0.10.1 change-log:

-Story progress with Miss Evans.

-Story progress with Tiffany.

-Lewd dream featuring Miss Evans.

-Lewd dream featuring Emerald.

-Added an animation for Miss Evans' lewd dream.

-Added an animation for Emerald's lewd dream.

-Main story-line progression.

-Made a game-night event which will change based on the active route.

-Implemented a pay bills day for the MC; mortgage, tuition, utilities; you know...

The game-night event will have four possible outcomes.

Episode nine is game-night part one, which is an introduction.

Episode ten will be part two. The event routes will be Daria, Emily, Marjory, and Tiffany.

September 1 2022 (Yep, it's 11:35 EST time here :V)

Episode eight; version 0.9.1 changelog:

-Story progress with Marjory.

-Lewd dream featuring Marjory.

-Added an animation for Marjory's story progress.

-Extended Joan's repeatable event at the steakhouse.

-Extended Tiffany's repeatable event at night.

-Added a new repeatable event for Tiffany (requires 1062 affection and an item.)

-Added a new event with Melanie (visit the hotel during the weekend after Cleo is around.)

-Added 19 new outfits to the profiles gallery.

-Implemented a payday for the MC (pay day is every two weeks.)

-Added two new outfits to Tiffany's watching TV and cooking events (after Cleo is around.)

August 1 2022

TCND: EX episode 7; version 0.8.1 change-log:

-Increased the lewd dream's chance to 66%.

-Story progress with Miss Evans.

-Story progress with Joan.

-Story progress with Daria.

-Lewd dream featuring Miss Evans.

-Lewd dream featuring Joan.

-Lewd, one-time, scene featuring Joan.

-Main story-line progression.

-Now, players will be able to skip text during lewd dreams after they have seen it once.

-Typos correction.

-Grammar corrections.

-Fixed a variable looping Marjorie's story.

July 1 2022

TCND: EX version 0.7.1 changelog:

-Story progress with Emily.

-Story progress with Marjory.

-Lewd dream featuring Melanie.

-Lewd dream featuring Amy.

-Story progress with Amy.

-Story progress with Melanie.

-Main storyline progression.

June 1 2022

TCND: EX Episode 5 version 0.6.1 change-log:

-Story progress with Laura.

-Lewd dream featuring Laura.

-Story progress with Emily.

-Added Emily's route to the cloister of dreams.

-Lewd dream featuring Emily.

-Story progress with Tiffany.

-Lewd dream featuring Tiffany.

-Main story-line progress.

-Introducing two dream-world characters Mrs. April and Ginny.

-Grammar corrections.

-Context fixes.

May 1 2022

Episode 4 version 0.5.1 change-log:

-Story progress with Mrs Smith.

-Lewd dream featuring Mrs Smith.

-Story progress with Joan.

-Lewd dream featuring Melanie.

-Story progress with Alice.

-Main story-line progression.

-Added the option to clear the current route

-Now you can check outfits in the profiles window.

-Fixed a bug affecting Emily's and Emerald's story.

-Context fixes.

April 1 2022

Episode 3 Version 0.4.1 Change-log:

-Lewd boost for Daria's, Laura's, Miss Evans', and Tiffany's lewd dreams.

-Story progress with Alice.

-Story progress with Emerald.

-Story progress with Emily.

-Lewd dream featuring Emerald.

-Lewd dream featuring Mrs. Smith.

-Introducing a new side-character; Emily's mom.

-Added a vignette to identify dream sequences.

-Added two new interactions with Tiffany; TV and cooking.

-Interacting with Tiffany also advances time.

-Context fixes.

March 1 2022

TCND: EX episode two Version 0.3.1 change-log:

-Added sideimages for two new NPCs.

-Main story-line progression.

-Emily's story progress.

-Daria's story progress.

-Miss Evans' story progress.

-Added a new free-roam location; MCs' home-office.

-Added a repeatable event with Emily; it requires an item.

-Lewd dream featuring Daria (intro.)

-Lewd dream featuring Miss Evans (intro.)

-Properly packed media files.

January 19 2022

TCND: EX version 0.2.2 changelog:

-Grammar corrections.

-GUI tweaks.

-Added a route switching animation.

-Added a sound effect for the route switching animation.

-Added a small event to present Melanie.

-Added a small event to enable Laura's route.

-Implemented a daily routine.

-Implemented a day-based class routine.

-Added an icon to represent the active route.

-Implemented a random chance to see route-related dreams (1 in 3 chance.)

-Added a repeatable event for Joan's route.

-Added a repeatable event for Tiffany's route.

-Implemented a buy items function.

January 1 2022

TCND: EX first official release, version 0.2.1 change-log:

-Made a profiles screen (You can reach it from the inventory, click on portraits once you are in the profiles screen.)

-Assigned personality traits and wrote a short backstory for each girl.

-Made a world-map and added functional icons for each main location.

-Completed a new free-roam location; The Junior College (academics area.)

-Made a corner store; some items will be required to access new events.

-Story progress starts with Tiffany then is Daria's turn and so on.

-Lewd dreams also start with Tiffany (New lewd scenes intro.)

-Main story-line progression.

-Lewd dream featuring Laura.

-Made many small adjustments to most known scenes.

Visit my Subscribestar.Adult or BuyMeaCoffee pages for more info.

Install instructions:


TCNDEX-ep11v0.12.1-pc.zip 2.7 GB
TCNDEX-ep11v0.12.1-mac.zip 2.6 GB
TCNDexEp11v0-12-1.apk 1.6 GB
Nisha's report Rev 0.8.1.zip 10 kB
Episode 11 gamesaves.zip 13 MB

Development log